Ruin (ἀπώλεια)

Written on 02/27/2025
Luther Walker

Ruin (ἀπώλεια) refers to a type of destruction that reduces something to waste. It is typically used in reference to a person’s lifestyle, which leads to ruin due to unrighteous conduct. As a result, there is no value in what is produced.

Simon the sorcerer thought that he could purchase the gift of the Holy Spirit with money. Peter responded to him, “Your silver perish with you because you thought the gift of God could be acquired through money” (Acts 8:20). His silver would bring ruin upon him. Peter then instructed Simon to change his mind and supplicate to God that this wrong way of thinking in his heart should be taken from him (Acts 8:22). Otherwise, if he continued down the path of seeking to purchase the gift of the God with money, his life will end in ruin, just like his money.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus instructed the Jews to do unto others as their desire for others to do to them. He instruct them to enter through the narrow gate, for the wide gate is broad and leads to ruin, but the narrow gate, though difficult, is the way that leads to eternal life (Matthew 7:12-14). Do not follow the crowd; follow the truth.

When Mary of Bethany anointed Jesus’ feet with fragrant oil, Judas considered this act to be a waste, saying it could have been sold and given to the poor (Matthew 26:8). However, she had done a good thing, for the poor will always be with us, and Judas’ intent was to steal the money, not give to the poor. We are not to throw pearls to swine—do not give what belongs to the saints to the unsaved in an attempt to persuade them or show personal righteousness through works.

On the night when Christ was betrayed, He spoke to the disciples about many things concerning what was to come. While He was in the world, He guarded them in the character of God the Father. The only one who was lost was the son of perdition—who brought ruin upon himself through his determination to gain wealth by betraying Christ (John 17:12). This man was permitted to be part of the twelve to fulfill Scripture.

We are not to fear those who oppose the truth and persecute us for speaking and following it. Their adversarial acts that are against the truth demonstrate their ruin (Philippians 1:28). In contrast to being terrified, we are to conduct ourselves in a worthy manner of the gospel of the Christ, standing fast in one spirit and striving together in one accord (the same intensity) for the faith of the gospel. It is a gracious thing that we suffer for the name of Christ (Philippians 1:29). Therefore, if we suffer, let it be for doing good.

There are many within the Churches today who are enemies of the cross of Christ. These are the tares whom Satan has sown within the assemblies to mimic Christians while bringing in destructive heresies (2 Peter 2:1). Their end is ruin, and their god is their belly and they express a proper option of themselves through their shameful actions. To them, positions of authority and work are not for development of the saints to bring them to a oneness of the faith unto a full experiential knowledge of the truth. In contrast, they seek to merchandize the saints, dishonestly gaining financially from them (2 Peter 2:3). They twist the things that are taught to the Church through Paul’s writing to deceive the untaught and unstable people, leading them to the same destruction (2 Peter 3:16). These are the ones who set their mind on earthly things, rejecting righteousness, truth, faith, and godliness (Philippians 3:19). Many follow their destructive ways, blaspheming the truth (2 Peter 2:2).

Satan’s man of lawlessness is the son of ruin, for he will bring ruin upon all those who follow him (2 Thessalonians 2:3). He will not be permitted to rise until the Church has been removed from the earth in the rapture, after which, he will oppose and exalt himself above all who are called gods and who are worshipped, sitting in the Temple of God and displaying himself as through he is God (2 Thessalonians 2:4). He will come with the working of Satan, deceiving the world because they did not receive the love of the truth so that they should be saved (2 Thessalonians 2:10).

Those who determine to be wealthy in this life fall into temptations and a snare, bringing many foolish and harmful strong desires upon themselves that drown men in destruction and ruin (1 Timothy 6:9). The fondness of money is a root of wrong, and many will stray from the faith in their greed, piercing themselves through with many sorrows as they hold on to worldly possession as a means of godliness while ignoring the truth—godliness with contentment is a means of great gain. We brought nothing into this world and we will take nothing with us. Therefore, let us be content with food and clothing while we pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, objectivity of mind, and fight the proper struggle, laying hold of the eternal life we have in Christ (1 Timothy 9:10-12).

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