The breastplate of righteousness relates to the righteousness that we have in Christ, Ephesians 6:14. In Christ, we have been given the gift of righteousness, Romans 5:17. Therefore, we are no longer in a condemned state, Romans 8:1. Satan is going to try to persuade us to act independently from God, even when we know what His will is for us, James 4:13-17. Since we have been freed from the rule of the sin nature in our lives, we are now slaves to righteousness, Romans 6:18. However, this righteousness is not a manifestation of our good nature, but of Christ in us, for Christ is our righteousness, 1 Corinthians 1:30. Therefore, we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, not through our own self efforts, 2 Corinthians 5:21. We are righteous; therefore, we act in a righteous manner. Along with defending us against independence from God, the breastplate of righteousness will also deflect the desire to be prideful, 1 Timothy 3:6. There are times when we do everything right, and the end results are spectacular. However, after examining our own works, we can rejoice without ourselves, not before others, Galatians 6:4. We need to be caution with knowledge, for it can puff a person up, 1 Corinthians 8:1. As we mature in Christ, let us care enough for each other to not allow our knowledge of things to negatively impact other saints in their conduct. God has prepared good works for us to do, Ephesians 2:10. It is not by our own means that these are performed. Therefore, when Satan seeks to influence us go against God’s will or be puffed up because of our own skill and knowledge, the breastplate of righteousness will quench these methods of attack.
Evening School of the Bible The Christian Life Part 13
Posted on 12/08/2024