In Acts 1:24-26, when Peter determined to replace Judas, the disciples prayed to the Lord. This passage raises two key questions: Were the disciples praying to Jesus when they addressed 'the Lord'? Did Peter and the other disciples have the authority to replace Judas?
The term “Lord” is used in several different ways in Scripture. It may refer to God the Father, a man who is in a position of authority—such as a king or master, or as a polite and respectful form of address. In the book of Acts, Luke frequently uses the term “Lord” to refer to Jesus, although not exclusively. In Acts 1:6, the apostles address Jesus as “Lord”; however, this was not a new term used to address Jesus as they frequently called Him “Lord” during His earthly ministry. In Acts 1:24-26, Luke records that during their time waiting for the promise of the Holy Spirit, the disciples prayed to the “Lord” and cast lots to determine who would join them in Judas’ place. Is Luke indicating that they are praying to Jesus and had authority to add another apostle?
To answer this, we must first examine how Jesus instructed His disciples to pray, along with other instances in the book of Acts where the apostles prayed. Then, we will examine whether they had authority from God to select another apostle.
In the upper room, on the night Christ was betrayed, He instructed the disciples to direct their communication to God the Father. They would ask nothing from Jesus, but whatever they asked of the Father in His name (character), He would give them (John 16:23). In His final instructions to the disciples, He never indicates or implies they are to pray to Him.
In Acts 4:24, when the disciples lifted up their voices in one accord to God, they pray, “Lord, You are God, who made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and all that is in them.” As they continue their prayer, they quote Scripture concerning the nations and people gathering together against the Lord and His Christ, clearly using Lord to refer to God the Father (Acts 4:26). When they ask the Lord to look at what the leaders of Israel are doing, they are not addressing Jesus, but God the Father (Acts 4:29). God responds to their prayer in a visible way by shaking the place they were assembled and mentally controlling them through the Holy Spirit to speak the Word of God boldly. There was no such response to their communication during the time the disciples were waiting for the Holy Spirit to be sent by the Father when they decided to select another apostle to join them.
Based on Christ’s instruction concerning prayer and the other instances in the book of Acts recording the apostle’s prayers, in Acts 1:24 when Luke records that they prayed to the Lord, it would be unreasonable and unjustifiable, based on Scripture, to suggest that they are praying to Jesus. The disciples were never instructed by Jesus to pray to Him, only to the Father. In addition, the Holy Spirit does not contradict what Jesus stated, nor does He add to it. The Holy Spirit does not speak concerning His own things (John 16:13); rather, He expresses a proper opinion of the resurrected Christ, guiding us in all truth (John 16:14). It would be contradictory for the Holy Spirit to instruct the disciples to pray to Jesus when Jesus Himself directed them to pray to the Father.
In addition, if Peter was instructed to pray to Jesus, he never reiterates this within his epistles. Nowhere in his writings does he instruct the saints to pray to Jesus; rather, he consistently directs prayer to God. For example, he teaches concerning how a husband treats his wife so that his prayers are not hindered in 1 Peter 3:7, affirming the ears of the Lord are open to the righteous, quoting from Psalm 34:15-16 in 1 Peter 3:12. Furthermore, he writes that we are to be watchful and pray in 1 Peter 4:7, and that we are to cast our cares upon Him in 1 Peter 5:7. All of these are directed at God the Father.
When God raised Christ from the dead, He made Him both Lord and Christ. This lordship does not relate to His Deity, for the Second Person of the Godhead has always existed as God (John 1:1). In His humanity, God the Father made Jesus both Lord and Christ through His resurrection. The title “Lord” expresses His authority over all the earth—King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He has been placed above the principalities and authorities that govern this world (Ephesians 1:21). The title “Christ” refers to His resurrection and glorification, modifying its Old Testament usage, where it denoted the Messiah (the Anointed One), to now signify the resurrected and glorified One who leads the Church (Ephesians 1:22-23). Therefore, although Jesus is referred to as Lord, this title does not equate His humanity with His Deity—resurrected humans do not become gods. Furthermore, Scripture never instructs us to pray to Jesus.
Regarding the authority to select another apostle, Christ reserved this authority for Himself. He affirmed this in the upper room, saying, “I have chosen you” (John 15:16), and again in Ephesians 4:11, where it states, “He Himself gave apostles.”
To suggest that the disciples were given authority to select another apostle and were praying to Jesus in Acts 1:24 is not supported by Scripture or by their continued practice, particularly regarding whom they addressed in prayer. The only reasonable conclusion is that Peter acted presumptuously, not under the direction of God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, since the Spirit had not yet been sent to guide them in truth.
Acts 1:24-26 does not provide sufficient evidence to suggest that the disciples were praying to Jesus when they addressed the “Lord.” Throughout Scripture, prayer is consistently directed to God the Father, as taught by Jesus during His earthly ministry and reaffirmed by the apostles in their writings. The Holy Spirit, who was sent to guide the disciples into all truth, does not contradict Christ’s instructions but rather upholds them. Additionally, Peter’s decision to select a replacement for Judas was made prior to the coming of the Holy Spirit and was not affirmed by God. Christ Himself reserved the authority to appoint apostles, as indicated in John 15:16 and Ephesians 4:11. Thus, Peter’s discussion in Acts 1:24 was based on human reasoning rather than divine instruction. The absence of a Divine response, along with the casting of lots, further indicates that their prayer was directed to God the Father—not Jesus.